Wednesday, November 21, 2007


So yesterday I went to the Smartboard workshop that was led by one of our TEAM members. It was great! Very interactive and showed me some new tools to use on teh smart board! Sharon lead the workshop and the way she led it was great! I particularyly liked how when we came into class we had to sign in on the smartboard and then she used our names to call us up to use a tool! This gave me an idea of how to start my lessons with my fellow teachers as well as my students!
During my free time I had read an article in Digital Directions. The atricle is Whiteboards Inc. It talked about how schools started using the interactive whiteboards and the many uses of them. Within the article I came across a stunning statistic: about 60% of classrooms in the United Kingdom have interactive whiteboards while in the United States ONLY 12% of the classrooms have them! It makes me feel very fortunate to be a school where each classroom has a Smartboard (even if it is the portable one that can be quite annoying at times!)

Monday, November 5, 2007

I created a Poll to see what grades we are teaching in TEAM. I am curious to see how many teach each grade. Please complete the poll if you visit this blog! Thank you!